Monday 8 March 2010

Thing 10 - Delicious Networks

Delicious is such an odd name for this tool - my title for this post kind of makes me want to mime eating a network, except I'm not sure what that would look like.

I've added a few other users to my network. It turns out that I can only do this from within my own page - even though if I visit someone else's page, there is a link saying "Add to my network", the link doesn't seem to work.

I'm not hugely taken by the layout of delicious - it just presents an unstructured list. I realise it's possible to structure the list with tags, but the tags themselves just show as a long apparently random list, and I would prefer to be able to organise by subheadings, or something that shows more clearly how the items in the list relate to one another. There's something about the list layout that doesn't tempt me to follow any of the links - I need some kind of context. Obviously it's different for my own links because I know what they are, but looking at other people's I feel a bit lost.


  1. You can bundle tags which gives you that subheading structure for your own links. Obviously it doesn't help for other people's, as you're reliant on what they've done, but that would be how you can sort your own.

  2. Thanks - that does help keep things a bit better organised!
