Friday, 12 February 2010

iGoogle start page

Setting up a google account was very straightforward.

I struggled more with the igoogle start page, as it was difficult to find gadgets that actually looked useful. There are lots of fun colourful gadgets, but too many of them just make the page look very cluttered.

There are little things about the iGoogle page that I find a bit annoying - there isn't any obvious way to change the size and shape of different boxes, so for example my Bookmarks box only shows two bookmarks unless I maximise it. The screen looks cluttered by default because the boxes are all very close together. Possibly there is a way to change this - but it's not the kind of thing I'd want to spend a lot of time fiddling with, because it is just a way into doing other things rather than an especially useful tool in its own right.

I don't think I would use a start page. It seems easier to have the home page set up as whatever website I use most frequently - eg SOLO at work, my personal email at home - and use the Favourites menu for everything else. I'm not sure what the start page adds to that.

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